Friday, October 23, 2015


Hades is the god of the underworld . He is also the brother of Poseidon the ocean and also the brother of  Zeus the god of the sky and the king of all the gods and they also have three sisters but i  will talk about them later .

  Hades is the god of the under world . his weapon is the helm of the underworld . It is a helmet but is very presses to him . He can make beasts do certain things and send them after people . His area is where all dead people go not heaven. there are 3 parts of the underworld the bottom of the underworld is where all the bad titans go . Even know that seems evil there is a nice part with houses and a huge field but that depends on who you are and how you and how you acted .
He can tell beast what to do.

   Hades is the king of the under world just one more time .